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Hair loss in Men

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Male pattern baldness

Male baldness is the most common presentation in men, may be preceded by many general causes of hair loss like post febrile states, post operative periods and drugs etc. The hair loss and baldness have a negative psychological impact on them; Studies have shown that hair loss can lead to low self-esteem and confidence along with depression, introversion and feelings of unattractiveness in their peers.  Hair loss treatment  will help in overcoming such negative traits.

Causes of hair loss in Men

Below are certain causes that intensify hair fall

  1. Post-surgical condition.
  2. Fevers [malaria,Typhoid,Dengueetc]
  3. Medications [ antibiotics,analgesics,antiepileptics,blood thinning agents,anti metabolitesetc…few of them]
  4. Extreme stress
  5. Dermatologic diseases like Alopecia areata, pseudo pelade ,lichenplanopilarisetc…
  6. Nutrition [crash diets, irregular diet habits]
  7. Pollutions
  8. External hair treatments like Straitening and curling of hair are some of the causes apart from Male Baldness or AndrogeneticAlopesia.
  9. Hypo thyroidism, certain vitamin deficiencies [VIT D and VIT B12 etc]


Causes of Male Baldness:

One of the major causes of Male baldness is due to the person’s genetic factors. People with 1 st and 2 nd degree relatives suffering with baldness are more likely to experience the condition as opposed to those who have fewer or no such relatives in their family branch. This we call as either Maternal or Paternal or both inheritances. It is a polygenic condition with variable penetrance.

2 nd cause is the Hormones.DHT [dihydro testosterone] is the major culprit for the hair damage and baldness. This DHT is produced in the body from circulating Testosterone under the action of Type II-5 alpha reductase enzyme. This DHT gets attached to AR of the cells and cause root damage.

hair loss treatment for menThis DHT causes the damage of hair root through a process called Miniaturization.

Both of these factors GENES and DHT shows their affect with passing age, because male baldness always establishes with TIME.

Below is the Norward Hamilton Male pattern Baldness classification:

 hair loss treatment for men

Hair loss treatment for men

The increasing number of men affected by the hair loss problem led to scientific breakthroughs as well as cosmetic approaches to treat the condition. Men’s hair transplant surgery has caught up the imagination of several million of bald men across the globe. These things come in various forms and its efficacy could be seen depending on how you follow instructions.

Visit us at Radiance Hair TransplantCentre to get cure for  hair loss treatment for men or Male baldness by the best Cosmetic Surgeon Dr.Krishna Priya. When it comes to hair fall treatment for men you do not have to look beyond Radiance.

The following are the most common Non-Surgical Treatments to treat Hair Loss in Men and Male Baldness

Topical Treatments:

This comes in the form of ointments or creams which need to be applied on the scalp to promote hair growth.  Some products need to be applied twice a day for you to see the results.

Minoxidil (For Men  & Women) 

Minoxidil is the first FDA approved topical lotion for hair regrowth.

It is a piperidinopyramidine derivative, which is a vasodilator and initially used for hypertension treatment.

Minoxidil is an over the counter medication for the treatment of androgenic alopecia in both men and women. Minoxidil treatment for hair loss helps to stops hair fall and it also facilitates hair regrowth.  Minoxidil is applied directly to the scalp twice daily.It converts intermediate follicles to Terminal hair. It halts the fall of miniaturized hairs by prolonging the life cycle.

It stimulates the dormant hair follicles to regrowth. It should be continued for minimum of 6-8 months to notice the results. By the end of 3 months the hair fall will be arrested. In first 4-8 weeks fall of vellous hair is noticed. To prevent the existing hair from further damage the lotion must be continued longer time.

Side effect No significant side effects noticed except skin irritation or itching with improper application.

Rarely in some female patients increased hair growth on arms and face is noticed with 5%lotion, which will be automatically regressed with stoppage of minoxidil lotion.

No drug interactions.

Oral Medication

As you know, this is taken in by the mouth. They work by block DHT, the hormone which is the main culprit for the male pattern baldness.

Finasteride: (ONLY For Men)

Finasteride is the drug approved by FDA since 1997 for males with AGA. This drug was originally introduced for the treatment of Benign prostatic hypertrophy.

It is a synthetic 4-azasteroid which specifically inhibits type II 5-alpha reductase enzyme.This type II 5-alpha reductase converts Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for the miniaturization of hair follicles in AGA.

It is well absorbed orally and 1mg tab per day and it is safe for the men aged 18-41 years who have mild to moderate MPHL in the mid-frontal area.

It gives good effect in 3 -4 months in sustaining the ongoing hair damage. It undergoes hepatic metabolism with no specific drug interactions. The drug to be continued for longer period like 9 months to 2 years for peak effect to see. Generally these drugs need to be continued for longer time in case of young age men to sustain the benefit.

Its half-life is 4-6 hrs only, later gets excreted through urine. Discontinuation of this drug does not cause aggressive hair loss.This drug is practically safe and only minimal and transient side-effect related to sexual dysfunction noticed in 0.3% of people at 5 years.

It has no effect on sperm concentration, total sperm ejaculate, sperm morphology or motility.


1.Absolute contraindication for women who are pregnant and those planning for children.

2.Absolute contraindication for men who suffer Gynecomastia and testis pain.

3.Relative contraindications for those have sustained sexual dysfunction like loss of libido, erectile dysfunction or impotence. [Which are very rare.]Some latest drugs also come into market, which are not FDA approved.


Dustasteride is one such drug, which is more potent than Finasteride, and this blocks both type1 and type 2- 5 alpha reductase enzymes and cause gross decrease in DHT levels.These are prescribed twice a week due to long half  life.This drug is till now not FDA approved.

Finasteride is the drug approved by FDA since 1997 for males with AGA. This drug was originally introduced for the treatment of Benign prostatic hypertrophy. Dr. Krishna Priya at Radiance will provide you the best treatment for your hair problems.

Laser Therapy

It is done by using light energy at the areas of hair fall. This will be helpful for those who are at early stage of hair loss. Hair loss in Men can be reduced with the help of laser therapy, which also aids in hair re-growth where the hair follicles are alive.

PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is done by collecting the patient’s blood, which is injected, on scalp through Injections after processing the blood.


If your not looking for any medical or surgical producers, the last option would be Wigs, Hair extension and weaves.

Surgical Treatment Hair Transplantation:

FUT and FUE Hair transplant techniques are best hair restoration techniques. These techniques are widely used and will require an experienced hair surgeon to perform this procedure.

These will be not helpful for those who have undergone some surgery, Injuries, Burns, and Patients suffering from Cancer and undergone through chemotherapy.

If you are in confusion in choosing the best treatment for your hair contact Radiance Hair Transplant Centre.

Note: All the above-mentioned medication should be taken under doctor guidance

So these are treatments Male pattern baldness cure, to feel confident by gaining the natural look, Book an appointment for hair fall treatment for men. Ask a question for men’s hair transplant surgery.

Get an enquiry with us and make sure you are getting the best treatment for your baldness.