Non- Surgical Treatments To Recover From Hair Loss

A healthy tuft of hair is like a crown of a healthy body. A luxurious crop of hair fairly reflects the body health of the individual. At any given time, about 90 percent of the hair on the scalp is in its growing phase. Contrary to popular perception, hair growth and loss is not always a matter of fate. Be it be high pollution or climatic conditions, many people are now experiencing heavy hair fall and are searching for reliable hair loss treatment. At present there are mainly two types of treatments available to control hair loss. One is surgical treatment and the other is non-surgical treatment.


For early stages of hair loss it is always better to go for non- surgical hair loss treatment, which is safe, reliable and more likely of giving desired results.


Main causes for hair loss:


Hair growth may shut down due to lack of proper protein intake


Heredity plays an important role mainly male pattern hair loss in men.


PCOD, Thyroid, Postmenopausal, Postnatal & Hormonal change often may lead to hair loss in females.


Surgery, illness, emotional and physical stress can cause temporary hair loss.


Sudden weight loss can stress your body and lead to heavy hair fall


Tight braids, harsh chemicals and extreme heat can affect hair at the roots


Anaemia due to iron deficiency may also cause heavy hair loss


Approximately 300 types of drugs can lead to hair loss.(Analgesics, Anti epileptics , Blood thinning agents, Anti metabolites)


Non- Surgical treatments for hair loss:


Propecia :


This is one of two medications approved by the FDA for non-surgical hair replacement . Propecia, (finasteride), is available by prescription only. It has been shown to reverse hair loss at the vertex only, not along the hairline. Propecia is also ineffective for advanced baldness. This drug is contraindicated in women and children.


Rogaine :


Rogaine is one of the most successful, non-invasive forms of hair loss treatment available for men & women. It is used in many hair regrowth products and is known to deliver impressive results in a short period. It is an FDA approved treatment for hair loss which stops hair loss and helps in regrowth of thicker and fuller looking hair, within just weeks of regular use. But needs to be continued to maintain the benefit.




A daily multivitamin, rich with vitamins A, B12, C, D, E and iron may be a simple and cost-effective solution. People who are sleep deprived, emotionally stressed, suffering illness, or maintaining a poor diet should use vitamins to start reversing their hair loss within a matter of days. Taking a daily multivitamin is a healthy choice regardless of the condition of your hair.


Powder-Based Cosmetics:


There are a few keratin-based powders currently available in the market that conceal hair loss, such as toppik and Nanogen. The main trick of these cosmetics is that they bind, through static electricity, solar fencing to the existing hair follicle. They make the follicle appear thicker, giving the overall illusion of a full head of hair. The major drawbacks are that they are temporary, circumstantially restrictive, and may appear “off” in direct sunlight.




Though not ideal for long-term concealment of hair loss hats and hairpieces are quick and cost-effective. A hairpiece or hat can be attached or put on for immediate scalp coverage and can be re-worn. The major drawbacks are that they are restrictive and temporary.

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1 Comment

  • Vfx

    November 16, 2018

    Many people are suffering from hair loss. To recover from hair loss, there is a solution called Non surgical hair loss treatment. This will help you to get your hair back. This post guided me a lot. Very helpful post. Kindly know vfx course

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