Month: October 2020

4 Major Causes Of Hair Loss In Teenagers With Its Treatment & Prevention

Introduction: Hair loss can be particularly distressing for teenagers. Whether it’s noticing a receding hairline, thinning strands, or patches of baldness, the experience can be unsettling and impact self-esteem. However, understanding the root causes of hair loss in teenagers is the first step toward effective treatment

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Hair Transplant

Top 8 Important Facts You Should Know About Hair Transplant

It is about time we realized that we live in a world of cut throat competition, fast paced lives and a constant race against the clock. In this pursuit what we do not realize is the amount of stress that builds and its consequences on our

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how to stop hair loss

How to Prevent hair loss; Reasons Why It Occurs, And How You Could Stop It ?

Hair Loss is one of the most terrifying incidents that you can experience in your lifetime. Whether you are a teenager, a young adult, a middle-aged person, or an older person, it is equally as scary in all age groups. Here are some of the reasons

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