How to Prevent hair loss; Reasons Why It Occurs, And How You Could Stop It ?

how to stop hair loss

Hair Loss is one of the most terrifying incidents that you can experience in your lifetime. Whether you are a teenager, a young adult, a middle-aged person, or an older person, it is equally as scary in all age groups. Here are some of the reasons why it occurs and how to stop hair loss.

Why do men suffer from baldness?

  • It is a universally well-known fact that as men age, their hairline, which stretches from across their temples, starts to recede. This typically occurs during their middle-age, i.e., from the age of 45 onwards.
  • A lot of men consider getting a hair loss treatment to prevent the embarrassment that they face due to the loss of their hair.
  • One major factor which can be an indicator of future male baldness is a high testosterone count. So if you are a young man and you have high testosterone levels, the chances are that in the near or maybe far future, you are more likely to develop baldness in the as you get older.

Which is the reason why hair fall treatment for men is so prevalent in all kinds of hospitals and health-care institutions?

  • Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause all sorts of hair fall issues in both genders – with the high testosterone levels causing baldness in men. Women might also encounter the same problem with regards to their hormones, although it is more prevalent in men.

How does hair fall affect women?

But unlike men who develop a bald patch above their forehead, women don’t exactly develop a patch of baldness. They tend to have a different pattern of hair fall, which makes their hair thinner and thinner as time passes, and rather than a whole section of their hair being bald, they develop a meager volume of hair which is not as dense as it once was. This is the reason why hair fall treatment for women is different than it is for men.

  • So a lot of people are plagued by the question How to stop hair loss? The answer to that question is that there are many treatments that you can undergo to stop losing your hair.
  • One of them is to take good care of your health and follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid smoking as well as stop eating junk food daily, and that itself should help you overcome most of your health issues.
  • Stress is also one of the most notorious culprits that cause hair loss among people across all ages and both genders, if you feel stressed out and overwhelmed by your work, relationships, or family issues, then take a step back and just breath and start practicing meditation daily to help you overcome it.

But if you suffer from hair fall due to a hereditary condition, then the alternative for you is to consider getting a hair transplant done. Look for a good hair transplant specialist in your area, get in touch with them, and ask for a personal consultation. They can guide you through your hair problems and help you overcome it through a hair transplant surgery.

However, that should be a last resort. First, you must find the problem and know whether the issue is due to your lifestyle choices, or due to the medication that you are taking or if it is due to stress that you experience in your work or life in general. If your problem isn’t any of the above which you could address on your own, only then should you resort to getting a hair transplant.

If you found this article helpful, then share it with someone to help them know how to stop hair loss and be more confident in their own skin.

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