Author: santosh reddy

how to stop hair loss

How to Prevent hair loss; Reasons Why It Occurs, And How You Could Stop It ?

Hair Loss is one of the most terrifying incidents that you can experience in your lifetime. Whether you are a teenager, a young adult, a middle-aged person, or an older person, it is equally as scary in all age groups. Here are some of the reasons

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What are the factors to consider about the hair transplant clinic?

Are you seeing a few more hair strands in your hairbrush these days? Has the drain of your bathroom always got clogged with your hair when you take a shower? Have you been constantly noticing hair strands on your clothes or beneath the chair? All these

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Female Hair Thinning and falling

What are the effective solutions for female hair thinning and falling?

With the ever-increasing pollution and changes in the climatic conditions, everyone is susceptible to hair loss and thinning of hair. Not only me or you all of us are scared of hair loss as we consider hair as an emotion rather than considering it as a

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