Laser Cap Treatment

LASER Treatment :

Laser therapy is the one which is FDA approved for hair loss in women and can be used successfully in men also.

  • This is an external infra red radiation with a particular frequency of 630-650 htz is exposed to hair thinning zone . In this different types of devices like combs, caps [regular domestic use] and  therupetic laser domes in clinics  are in use.
  • Low Level Laser Therapy stimulates mitochondria and cell division in the treated  area and helps in re growth of hair which is proven scientifically. It is a latest treatment tested scientifically with good result in both men and women.

Mode of action  : The Mitochondria of the cells get stimulated and produces more ATP which in turn increases the hair growth.The blood supply also increased which leads to good hair growth.

How it works ?

  • Stops the hair fall and improves the vellnous hair to terminal hair  called terminalization.
  • It yields good results in cases of Androgenic alopecia and diffuse baldness. It  stops further hair loss in alopecia areata cases with regrowth of new hair in the patches.
  • It also causes rapid growth in post Hair transplant cases.
  • It can be used as a combination treatment with medications and PRP also.
  • For young age people it is  very helpful.
  • Post febrile states and Post surgical conditions also suitable to halt the ongoing loss and promote new hair growth.
  • Benefit starts with stopping of hair fall from 2-3 weeks onwards and regrowth with thickness of hair shaft will be seen by 8-12 weeks.
  • Initially daily or weekly 3-4 times can be used depending on type of device. After 3 months can be maintained weekly twice for another 4-5 months.

Procedure :

A low beam of the light is penetrated into the scalp  to promote the hair growth. A certain time period must be there for the scalp exposure. Approximately 12-20 minutes depending on the type of device . The Laser therapy can be done by the

  • in-salon hoods or overhead panels
  • bonnet or head caps
  • hand-held devices.


  • Can be treated for both men and women
  • Promotes the hair growth quickly
  • Reduces the hair fall within less time.
  • Easy to use at home in ambulatory state also.
  • No side effects
  • Doctor’s supervision not necessary

Consult a skilled and experienced doctor for all your hair loss problems. Schedule an Appointment with our doctors to get solutions for your hair loss related problems.