Long Hair Transplant (LHT)


In PLHFUT, donor hair is not trimmed completely as in conventional Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUt) but rather left as it is or little bit shortened and implantation of the follicular units done as it is.

So, by the end of the procedure, the patients will have a temporary look of how the grafted (implanted) hair will be seen after complete growth.

It has both expected and unexpected benefits. In normal FUT, the interval between the procedure and final result Is long and during that period, the patient may get many doubts about the growth and look. But with PLHFUT, they can know the look immediately after the procedure which carries a strong positive emotional response towards the procedure and surgical team and also more social acceptance leading to early return to normalcy.

With PLHFUT, doctors can correlate theory with immediate post-operative appearance along with transplanted hair.

Doctors can deliver more natural results and angulation of the grafts can be corrected at the same time along with placement of different types of grafts.

Doctor can evaluate the density intra-operatively and can modify depending on the outcome.

But the caveat here is, sometimes the previewed density may not be identical to the final outcome due to apparent higher density due to crusting of the scalp and dark skin color.

CAUTION: It’s a challenge for the surgical team as it needs to have an exemplary surgeon assisted by experienced and a well-trained team.


Other points to be noted:

The previewed result is transient and the bulk of transplanted hair will temporarily fall within 3-4 weeks after the procedure. It will provide a general impression over the final result but the density is not identical.