FUE Hair Transplant

Loosing hair is losing confidence. Many people think that there is no permanent solution for hair loss and baldness. But over the years this has changed with the help of Hair restoration. Hair transplantation methods are permanent treatments to gain natural hair, which is undetectable.

What is FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction) ?

FUE hair transplant is a popular method, which involves the extraction of individual grafts of hair from donor area and planting them on the balding ones. Our surgeon completes the FUE hair transplant with the help of motorized hand piece.  The hand-piece is held parallel to the direction of hair grafts and with appropriate size punches the individual grafts can be extracted under local anesthesia.

In our center we prefer to use 0.7,0.8 and 0.9 size round punches with serrated and non serrated for extraction of grafts. We are able to extract 3000-3500 grafts at a time depending on the quality and density of donor area. Generally this procedure requires complete trimming. There is no specific time interval between sessions of FUE. You can plan smaller sessions at regular intervals or plan for 1 big session.


For Limited number of grafts extraction we do the procedure without trimming the total head. So that it can’t be detectable immediately after the surgery.

How is FUE Hair Transplant Procedure done?

  • The FUE hair transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia and our surgeon begins by cleaning the donor area after shaving it to proper length.
  • Extraction of the follicular units done individually out of donor area with appropriate size punches. These grafts are kept in a holding solution till the recipient area is prepared. The angle of hair exit from donor area varies in different areas differently. So constant changing of surgeon’s position is required throughout the process.
  • The last step consists of implantation of these extracted follicles to cover the bald area as per the requirement of the patient.
  • For advanced grades of baldness there is a need for more grafts and more sessions. Generally, there is no specific time gap between the sessions for FUE.
  • We use Safe scribe power machine for FUE technique.

At our clinic, we use the FUE hair transplant as one of the most advanced and modern techniques of treating these restoration issues. The price of the transplantation varies with the technique of extraction and the number of grafts need. Schedule an appointment with us and know what type of hair transplant treatment suits your hair loss.

Advantages of FUE

  • It is a suture less surgery
  • There would not be visible linear scarring.
  • It is the most preferred method for hair transplantation on burnt patches, EyebrowsMoustache and Beard.
  • Less invasive technique
  • Early recovery
  • This is the exclusive technique for Body Hair Transplantation
  • Can be combined with FUT to gain more grafts in single sitting
  • Only technique for tight scalps, post FUT sessions, those who do not want any linear scar
  • Those who maintain very short hair due to their profession.
  • 1-3% of wastage may be seen with Radiiance which is very low and is possible only due to our skilled doctors.
  • For more grafts extraction needs more sessions.

Always do good research before selecting a surgeon for FUE technique. It needs a good surgeon who has lot of experience, skill in work and certified too.

Our Hair transplant surgeon in Rajahmundry, Hyderabad, Vijayawada employ the patient’s own hair, instead of synthetic or fibrous materials. So it ends up rendering an unmistakably natural feel.


It’s a day care procedure immediately after the session he can walk away, no need to stay at hospital. Next day head wash is done at our premises only.  The tiny punch holes in the donor area heal in 3-4 days with pinhead scarring. No linear scar on donor area. No diet restrictions advised. Can do regular routine work from day one itself. 

After the FUE hair transplant procedure is over the patient is provided necessary instructions for everything from exercising to showering. Patient is also provided topical medications as well as antibiotics and mild painkillers as needed.

Cost: FUE Hair Transplantation cost is based on degree of baldness on your scalp and the number of grafts needed to cover the baldness.

To know about the number of grafts needed make use of Graft Calculator, a simple tool exhibited by Radiance.

Why Radiance FUE Hair transplantation?

Radiance doctors are best hair transplant surgeons in India and our doctors hold degree from top Hair restoration centers. Surgery performed by us has always resulted in natural look and our happy patients are our advertisers.