Eyebrow Hair Transplant

Eyebrow hair transplant from Radiance Hair Transplant Center is the natural way to recapture your true beauty. Eyebrow shape makes a huge difference on face, having a thick or dense eye brow is essential for great looks. Eyebrow transplants are one of the most desired and difficult procedures to perform, but when done by experts, they can bring an impressive result.

This treatment involves taking brow-like hair follicles with FUE technique and transplanting them into the congenitally thin, or patchy thin areas of your eyebrows. Our skilled experts work with you to create natural looking eyebrows that complement’s your facial type and features. Eye Brow Restoration is a part of  Facial hair Transplantation procedure.

Is Eyebrow Hair Restoration Right for You?

Our eyebrow restorations are designed for people, who want to restore completely missing eyebrows, add fullness to thinning brows, reshape the very sparse eyebrow, fill in bare spots, fill burn scar or naked suture line.

As we use your own hair to make the treatment or fill in to enhance your eyebrow, the results would be natural and permanent. At Radiance Hair Transplant Center, we understand the vital role of eyebrows in accentuating your personal style and look. Our experienced physicians follow the international standards, procedures, techniques and tools to bring out the most beautiful version of you.

How is Eyebrow hair Transplant Procedure done?

Depending on the quality of hair needed suitable area in the donor region is selected and extracted with FUE technique. The number of Grafts varies in men and Women like in men the eyebrows are thick and wide compared to women. The type of graft is mostly singles in medial and most lateral part of eyebrow. Some doubles can be implanted in the middle zone. For men depending on other facial hair density [beard and mustache] we can put other types of grafts also. App 400-500 grafts are needed in men and approximately 300-400 grafts are needed in women. The direction of hair varies along the length of eyebrow.

In the medial aspect the upper hairlines are directed downwards and lower hairlines are directed upwards. They both gradually take a lateral converging and parallel direction in the middle region of eyebrow. Tapering of eyebrow starts from mid region to lateral tip.

The growth of transplanted hair is more in the initial 1-2 years needs trimming, later gradually they take the original hair growth. Anesthesia is local in type with day care procedure. Time extends up to 3-4 hrs depending on number of grafts need.

 Postoperative care

  1. Mild redness and swelling noticed in the eyebrow region for 1-2 days.
  2. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, rainwater and dust during 3-4 weeks period.
  3. Avoid heavy exercises during 1st Week.
  4. Regular cleaning with mild soap over the eyebrow with application of antiseptic ointment for 7 days required.
  5. Simple anti-biotic and painkiller are given for 5-7 days.
  6. For proper growth it takes 4-6 months.

Cost : Cost of the eye brow  hair transplant surgery is determined by the number of grafts needed to implant. Contact us to more about the  Eyebrow Hair Transplantation.

Experience Matters

When it comes to eyebrow hair restoration, experience matters! Our physicians combine years of practical experience to achieve incredible natural results.  Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) provides the easiest and best surgical method for fast and simple eyebrow restoration. This method offers the faster and easier healing, no sutures, early ambulation etc.. Using this method, patients can have a faster recovery time and there would be no linear scar on your scalp.