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Author: Dr. Krishna Priya

Home  /  Articles posted by Dr. Krishna Priya (Page 2)

Monsoon has already struck down the southern and southeast region of India resulting in swift down fall of mercury. Cold breeze, dark climate and rain fall are the best for your dreamy outing but have you ever thought how your

Getting ready for this summer? Planning for outdoors? All set with sunglasses and sunscreen lotions? But where is your hair protection? Hot summer plays devil both for your skin and hair. Along with sunburns, it comes up with hair fall and

Hair loss is also known as alopaecia and baldness, which happens in men, women and children. Over a 1,00,000 of terminal hairs adorn the scalp area of adults in both genders. Each of these hairs retains its own identity throughout

What is Hair Transplant? Hair loss is one of the natural consequences of ageing. Medical and Technology fields have been regularly coming up with solutions to this vexing issue. Based on your hair loss conditions, multiple alternative treatment methodologies are in

Nowadays, most people are facing acute hair loss problem. Generally, Hair loss occurs due to pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia a problems that effects mostly in men.The current medical options for people suffering from hereditary forms of hair loss are