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Home  /  Non Surgical Hair Treatment  /  Medical

Medical treatment is also available for hair loss.Usually these medications are most effective when used in the early stages of hair damage. But they also share the common problem that once you stop taking the drug hair loss can begin again after few months, as the protection is lost. Generally age also plays a vital role in progression of hair damage. Usually the much young age it starts the much rapid it progresses. Above 30-35 years is a relatively safe age limit where damage process slowdowns in men.

They are scientifically proven medications for Hair loss.

  • Minoxidil lotion(Topical Therapy) 
  • Finasteride tablets(Oral Therapy)

The above-mentioned medication should be taken in right dosage under doctor’s supervision.
Book An Appointment with us and discover the most effective hair loss treatment crafted to meet your hair loss problem.